sobota, 20 listopada 2010

Elin Drougge

Elin Drougge (ur. 1961), norweska rzeźbiarka i autorka instalacji. Ukończyła National College of Art and Design w Oslo, belgijską The Royal Academy of Fine Arts w Antwerpii oraz norweski National College of Art Sculpture. Jej prace były prezentowane na licznych wystawach indywidualnych, w Gallery UKS, Oslo 1992, w RAM Gallery, Oslo 1999, w Gallery III, Oslo 2001, w Akershus Kunstnersenter, Lillestrøm 2006, w DTK- project gallery, Bærum 2006 oraz w Hole Artcenter w 2007r; brała również udział w wielu wystawach zbiorowych. Jest laureatką licznych stypendiów, w tym stypendiów rządu norweskiego. Jej prace nabyto do kolekcji The Olympic Game Collection, Norwegian Cultural Council, kolekcji urzędu miejskiego w Asker oraz Akershus Art Centre w Lillestrøm. Mieszka i pracuje w Heggedal w Norwegii.
Elin Drougge w swoich intrygujących i nieco surrealistycznych rzeźbach łączy różne elementy, takie jak modele domów, meble, kwiaty, gałązki, a także przedmioty z tworzyw sztucznych i innych materiałów, które wchodzą w interakcje z otaczającą je przestrzenią i nabierają metaforycznego charakteru. Jej prace mogą być postrzegane jako wyraz niepokoju i alienacji, a jednocześnie nie są pozbawione poczucia humoru.


Elin Drougge (born 1961], Norwegian sculptress and installation artist. Graduated from National College of Art and Design in Oslo, Norway, The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Belgium and National College of Art Sculpture, Norway. Her works have been presented on many individual exhibitions, such as exhibitions at Gallery UKS, Oslo 1992, at RAM Gallery, Oslo 1999, at Gallery III, Oslo 2001, at Akershus Kunstnersenter, Lillestrøm 2006, at DTK-project gallery, Bærum 2006 and at Hole Art Center in 2007; she also has taken part in many group shows. She has been awarded with many scholarships, such as Government Exhibition Scholarships. Her works can be found in The Olympic Game Collection, Norwegian Cultural Council, in the collection of Asker’s municipality and Akershus Art Center in Lillestrøm. The artist lives and works in Heggedal, Norway.
In her intriguing and partly surrealistic sculptures and installations Elin Drougge combines various elements, such as models of houses, furniture, flowers, twigs, but also item made from plastic and other materials, which interact with the space surrounding them and acquire a metaphorical character. Her works can be seen as an expression of anxiety and alienation, but they also show a great sense of humor.

1991 National Academy of Art Sculpture
1988 The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerpia, Belgia/Antwerp, Belgium
1986 National College of Art and Design, Oslo, Norwegia/Norway

2007 Hole Art Center
2006 DTK- project gallery, Baerum
Akershus Art Center, Lillestrøm
Akershus Kunstnersenter, Lillestrøm
2001 Gallery III, Oslo
Art Center Kristiansand
2000 Porsgrunn Art Center
1999 Buskerud Drammen Art Center
RAM Gallery, Oslo
Artist’s Center, Lillehammer
1998 Gallery Ask, Åsgårdstrand
1992 Gallery UKS, Oslo

2008 Forest Museum Elverum (z/with Karen Bye, Morten Andersen)
Galleri Trafo, Asker
2004 Serving, Drammen Museum
2003 Christmas Tree Calendar, Dworzec Główny w Oslo/ Oslo Central Station, Oslo
2001 Autumn exhibition selected, Oslo Art Association
1999 Mailing address Akershus, Akershus Art Center, Lillestrøm
Asker Kunstforening
1996 NBF Anniversary Exhibition Henie Onstad, Art Centre Høvikodden
Kunstnerforbundet Oslo
1995-1994 Revelation, Open Studio Exhibition, Oslo
1994 Network, Artist House, Oslo
Words of advice, Lillehammer
1991 National Art Academy, Oslo


Elin Drugge 
Byen under treet
Elin Drugge
Byen under treet

Inni deg selv

Elin Drugge
Katedralen i glassklokken
Elin Drugge
Katedralen i glassklokken
The house on the cliff

The houses under the table
Elin Drugge 
The girl with the flower

Det elektriske fjellet

Elektrisk sky

Luften og trompeten
 Luften som blir fanget